The #Radio1 IRC Guide and Information Pages.
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IRC Guide:
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- an IRC network service.
- To join one of IRCtoo's servers,
you will need to type in:
into the main channel window you are using.
- Typing in the above command will gets you connected to a server choosen
at random. After connecting, you might want check if the server is fast
enough (known as"Lag"). To do this, type in:
/ping ChanServ
into the main channel window you are using (some IRC software may not
understand this command) . This will send a special message to your
server and "bounces" back to you. The time taken for the ping
to come back shows how repsonsive your server is. The ping time will
be shown on the window, measured in seconds (s).
- If it's over 10 seconds, I'd suggest trying to connect to another
server -just type in the above server command again.
Random Servers
Server |
Geographic Location | |
Global | |
United States | |
Canada | |
Europe |
- After connecting to a server, you need to join a channel every time.
Now, there are many on IRCtoo- I'm not going to even attempt to list
a few. To join a channel, type in:
/join #«channel_name»
The «channel_name» is a parameter,
for example , to join a channel called #Radio1, type:
/join #Radio1
- There are more channel names, found by typing /list and this will
gives you all the channels on IRCtoo. Alternatively, you can find
out channels by typing:
/whois «nickname»
and it should tell you what channels that user is in (all channel names
begins with a hash #). A @ or a + symbol indicates that user is an operator
and voice respectively. For example,
/whois Sterri
and part of the whois result would be:
Channels: @#Radio1